
Friday, August 6, 2010


Indy and Titan
I’m a dog person…. Heck- I’m a dog trainer, a professional one at that. Dogs are my meal ticket, my fascination, my life.

 I do have a cat, but I wouldn’t consider myself a cat person. Even my cat, Titan- who I raised from a kitten, acts more like a dog than he does a cat. (Nature vs. Nurture?)

My personality in no way resembles that of a cat. I’m way too easily entertained. I’m nowhere near as tidy as a cat, and I’m definitely not as graceful.

I feel like cats plan…. Like they plot and map out their approach to a situation. Planning gives me anxiety. Dogs however? They often get themselves way in over their head. They often become blinded by their enthusiasm. When the moment arrives where they realize perhaps they’re not in the best position, they react. They learn from trial and error just like we do, yet if dogs were writers I do not believe their work would be overly intellectual or philosophical.

But cats? Just look at them…. They always appear to be in deep thought. Their movement is smooth and fluid- deliberate. Their balance is innate, and they can pretty much see in the dark for Christ’s sake.

This is an introduction for my blog.  Based on my thought process above, I have no idea why I think I can write. I’m living in the moment- much like a dog does...I’m just living and loving a life gone to the dogs.


  1. Cats can see in the dark because they eat carrots.

  2. Nice! See- cats could write about a wide array of topics... maybe even a nutritional guide to ninja-ing :)


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